TRUE SUCCESS: THE BLUEPRINT is a self-help book that teaches you how to level up physically, mentally, and financially—a game-changer for people ages 8 to 80, teaching them how to create their blueprint for success.
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Author Thurlester Robinson Jr.
Through adversity, Thurlester learned the value of hard work and perseverance. Despite the odds, he achieved success on his terms. His goal in life is to leave a legacy that will help others achieve the life they desire.
TRUE SUCCESS: THE BLUEPRINT is a great read for all ages!
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“True Success: The Blueprint took me through a range of emotions that left my heart heavy one minute and full of joy the next. It is heart wrenching, yet inspiring example of the resilience of the human spirit. The hard-earned lesson learned and the blueprint provided will give anyone a boost of motivation to go after their goals despite the odds. Job well done, Thurlester, and thank you for having the courage to share your story. I’m sure it will have a positive impact on many people years to come.”
“I finished the book. Great job. Very inspiring and you shared the blueprint, it was spot on. I believe it’s a blessing for people. I’m loving that it is able to make a difference for people. Knowledge is power, but a blueprint is even better. If you have not ordered your copy yet go to my website and do so.”
“OK love I just read your whole book this evening…I really enjoyed it… It was a gread read made me wanna hug u and take u to coffee and just chat…nicely done…I really think this was divine intervention that I was supposed to read this book…I am reinventing myself yet again and this book hit home on so many cylinders and i had quite a few ahhh haaa moments…I thank you for sharing and inspiring.”
“Thanks Thurlester Robinson for sharing your story and perspective with the 🌎. We can learn from anyone and you have some real nuggets in this book.”
“My childhood home boy and forever entrepreneur Thurlester Robinson’s True Success: The Blueprint is a quick read that functions more of a quick reference manual when you need to recalibrate your life and get back on track. Both I would highly recommend adding into your library for motivation and focus.”